 		            Version 4.0 - 4.5      

  By using this product, you acknowledge that the Explorer may require
  the use of software which may be the property of others.

  On the screen there are two windows. One called -Source- the other 
  -Destination-. You can read a directory into each of these from any device
  accessible by the amiga. You can select files (archives) and/or  directories
  in either of these windows, then manipulate them almost any way you like.
  Selected entry can be copied from one window to the other window, deleted or 
  renamed,text files can be read, files can be viewed, but the special feature of the
  Explorer is, that you can see the File_ID`s of archives just when you select
  the file, you can manipulate this File_ID and save it back. You can list, read,
  delete or save special File_ID`s to the archive. With the Explorer you can easy
  convert archives from f.e ZIP to LZX or TAR to LHA etc.
  See also:  The Buttons   

  or take a look at the  Version Information  (pls. start read at the end)

  What did you need:

  Resolution: min. 800x600 & 8 colors
  Topaz.font (Normal)    
  Assign to fonts: (Normal Startup-Sequence)
  The files which are missing at the start of the Explorer...
  (If you never work with TAR, ARJ etc you don`t need these files)

Version 4.4 & 4.5

New button layout

- Keyfile check -> at the startup and as check at the menu...
  The Explorer.key must be located at the Explorer directory
  and you must assign this one...
- Replaced the buttons "Save to xxx" with "Save File-Id to file"
  Supported archives: DMS,LHA,LZX,ARC,ZOO,TAR/TGZ and ZIP. 

- Changes on: Rename,Delete,Move,Copy and Delete Archive Item.
  Cursor will stay at the selected position...

- Optimized Delete Archive Item code.

- Finished code for "Hidden file"         - Only registered users!

- New fileselection (doubleclick for directories & AmigaGuide files)

- Added "MakeDir" button.

- Added support for Copy & Delete directories.

- Added "Guide to HTML" button            - Only registered users!

- Removed filesize bug!
  If you selected a file with the filesize of 0 bytes the Explorer closed the session.
  Now you will get informed that there is an corrupted file...

- Removed again a bug from unpacking DMS archives.
  There was an error if you convert DMS files to xxx and forget to mount the devices
  first. If the Explorer didn`t find the mounted device, it will use the DF0: drive 
  and quits coz he can`t find the mounted device... Now it will work without looking
  for the ID.

- Finished Guide 2 HTML port.             - Only registered users!
  You must select the source (AmigaGuide file) and a destination (f.e. RAM:).

- Finished file selection.
  Added "Move" & "Rename" for directories.

- Changed code for "Install script".
  Now it will check if the selected file is an Installer script or not. 
  If the format is right the installer will start the script...

- Changed some requester...

- Fixed viewing of pictures.
  Selected picture was viewed twice, coz i forgot to delete the
  old claases code... -Fuck-

- Updated code for the "Listers".
  Now it works also with the new classes code.

- Added some new status requester.

- Worked on the Guide2HTML program.  - Only registered users!

- Fixed "List"
  Sometimes it didn`t found the File_ID...

- Changed code for all AC`s (f.e. Del.all ID`s or AC -> LZX)

- Finished new Rename code...

- Added new Makedir code...

- Fixed AmiNet code to read path with spaces...

- Changed Highlight code...
  Now only the selected files will be store.
  You can copy,move or delete these files or

- Worked on the "CD-Guide" list" code.
  Added ARC,ZOO,ZIP & TAR support...
  Explorer creates Exe-Script for ZOO files coz AmigaGuide can`t
  handle CD (path)...
  Added datatype support: All Pic formats,AmigaGuide,ANSI & EXE...
  Added Fileinfo display while creating the list...
  Added Yes/No requester -> for creating SYS directory (for the scripts
  and packers). On the test drive the sys directory will be created to
  the C directory. The exe (script) files will be stored to this location...

- Added Button "Empty C:SYS".
  This will delete all script files from c:sys...

- Changed DIR layout.

- Fixed "LIST creator" code to work with version 4.5

- Fixed File-Requester (Load/Save) to work with the selected path...

- Added PACK routine (Test 4 me only)
- Fixed Diz-Code to work with version 4.5

- Added code to unprotect protected files...

- Forbit RAM: to view File_ID`s

Version 4.3d

- New code for the extensions...
  Now you don`t need anymore the extensions for viewing pictures...
  I will also continue with other extensions like packers, icons etc.

- Finished Testcode for archive classes.
  If no extension exists the selected files will be checked if they
  are archives or not.
- Changed extension setting (*.*) to (#?).
  With " *.* " only files with extensions will be read.

- Finished AutoDelete -> AC DEL Id`s
  All File_ID`s will be removed from the selected directory...

- Removed Save LHA ID & Save LZX ID Buttons
  Use -> Add Intern ID, to save the internal File_ID to the archive

- Added new Button "Del sel. Items"
  This function will delete all selected items from the archive.
  (LHA, LZX, ARC, TAR, ZOO and ZIP for now)
  To select items: First  List  the archive, than switch the
  Highlight Modus "ON".
  Select the items to delete.

- Added new button "Load Int. ID"
  This will load the internal File_Id to the Editor.
  First select the archive to edit...

- Removed bug from  GetDevice 
  Under certain conditions the program didn`t read the devicelist correctly.

- Removed bug bug from  Save Other 
  The reread after saving was not correctly.

- Added HTML Support Testcode (only for me)
  This will create an HTML index from the selected source...

- Removed bug from listing unknown files...
  The busy cursor didn`t removed until an new action starts...

- Created an Online HTML Guide

- Rewrote code for viewing listed files... 
  LZX & LHA working fine yet. Please test zip,zoo etc... and contact me, if there
  are problems...

- Changes on some old code...
  f.e. Selected Guide will not clearing the Editortext (Showing now Infos)
- Created new "Public" version

- Added AutoConvert "HIDDEN FILE" to selected directory!
  (Testphase only for Martin and registered users)

- Worked on the HTML code (finished 85%) only for me now!

Version 4.2

- Changed the Explorer!!!
  !!!Now you can work with both windows!!!
  Source & Destination windows have now the same functions...

- Changed global code at the Explorer...

- Changed LZX listing!
  Due an internal error of LZX some files where listed only with the size
  and the date... (You can check this when you open a shell and list an archive)

- Changed MCTAR, MCZIP and MCZOO.
  Now you must set an destination for this functions.

- Added new feature: MOVE & COPY (more) 
  If you enable the function all highlighted files will be copy to a new location.
  f.e. You hilighted some files at the SYS: directory than you go f.e. to the
  prefs directory and highlight there some files, than you go to DH1: and highlight
  again some files... than click onto COPY and all files will be copied to the new
  location... Goil! Nicht war... (Hmm, ich dachte mal was neues, was noch nie da war...)

- Added "Pattern Search Function" to all AC`s
  f.e. With *.lha and AC-->LZX only the LHA files will be converted.

- Added new Button "Select all"
  This will highlight all files and save it to the buffer (for Copy,Move,Delete)

- Added new Button "Delete Buffer"
  This will erase the "highlighted" buffer...

- Added Mark,Cut,Copy & Paste to the Editor.

- Changed MultiConvert & Aminet ID

- Changed the menu

- Changed CD AGuide Creator Layout

- Changed Requester - CD AGuide

- Changed some other things...   (find it out...)

Version 4.1

- Changed Move,Delete,Rename,Copy,Start Install and Run.
  Now you can also use these function from the -destination- window.

- Removed "GetPattern" button.
- Added Getpattern (*.*) to the -destination- window.

- Corrected "Save Other" again.
  Now it will really save file_id`s with spaces in names...
  TAR & ZIP & LZX corrected.
  ARC can save files with spaces in names but it shows only
  the first part of the name. To delete these kind of file
  items you must use an "*" behind the name.  
  (Limitations: You can`t use / and # in names.)

- Corrected key input for the "selected file item"
  If there are many files inside the archive you want to delete
  than use the "*". (f.e. You want to delete pictures from the
  archive, click on one picture and change the Name: *.jpg and
  hit "Delete Archive Item" - Result: All JPG`s are gone..)
- Changed button "<->".
  This will copy the directory list from one window to the other
- Changed "List" of archives.
  Alphabet. order...
  Removed last empty item...

  			  VERSION 4.0

Global fix

- Changed the starting sequence of the Explorer...
  First the program will start and than the Infobox will popup for 3 seconds.

- Corrected Buttons to show the kickstart font even when it is fixed with programs
  like MagicWB (I didn`t use this shit - Sorry Geraldo).

  Result: Font didn`t override the button border.

- Fixed the starting problems on some computers.             
  Sometimes the program asked for the file "Ram:t/lister"
  The problem was AMITCP or the Surfer package coz they assign RAM:t to the SYS:
  partition!!!!! Note: Temp: is the same like Ram:t but the stupid programers
  forget the old rulez from Commodore...

  When you start the Explorer, it will "Assign" it to the normal way and AmiTcp
  still works... (assign t: ram:t) 

- Corrected the loading of files to the Editor.
  If the loaded file is executable or too big, an Error message will popup and the
  program will load the file until the buffer is full... 
  Result: Program didn`t exit anymore.

- Added Online Help
  If this button is selected you will get every time if you click onto a button
  informations about it...

- Added new code for AMINET!!!
  Now it works perfectly, when you read from the AMINET CD`s and other devices...

- Corrected Copy,Move and Delete for version 4.

- Corrected Run...
  Now it will check if the selected item is an executable or not.

- Added Abort to "Rename".

- Corrected doubleclick on listings.
  Program didn`t exit anymore if the loaded file is executable...

- If the listed file gives an wrong information, than the splitting of the archive
  is too big or the datatype is unknown....  

- Added a lot of requesters for the action on files.

- Fixed EXIT...
  Now the program will delete all unused files and directories from RAM:

- Fixed the menu items: Mount FF0, Mount FF1 etc.
  The menu items didn`t read from the external mountlist...

- Changing the "Unpack" again...
  Now you must select the source from the "Source-Window". (Like Opus4)
  All packers now working this way.
  If you don`t give an destiantion than the Explorer will unpack the archive to 
  the source directory...
- Corrected DMS dizzer...
  When you read from CD`s the Explorer send the message: Drive protected...
  Now it works!

- Reworked the code for  MC2LZX req    &  MC2LHA req    .
  Now it also working with the Source/Destination...
  You must select the Source and the Destination!
  Now it works also on device names which are seperated with Spaces...

- Reworked the code for AutoConvert (AC --> LHA & AC --> LZX /ID)
  Now it also working with the Source/Destination...
  You must select the Source and the Destination!
  (f.e Source = CD0: and Destination = Workbench:Test
  Now you also can select a device for DMS...  

- Corrected Save xxx & Add xxx-Id...
  Now it works also on device names which are seperated with Spaces...

- Corrected "Del ID" for deleting ZIP ID`s...
  (Global change: Now it will delete all files with the ending .diz)

- Corrected "Delete"...
  Now it also will delete files with spaces in names...

- Corrected "Save Other"
  Now it will save file_id`s with spaces in names...

- Added ARC & ZOO to "Save Other"

- Removed long outstanding bug from ARC. (Much faster now!)
  Didn`t unpack the whole archive anymore if you only want to have the
  File_ID... (ASCII / AG List and just the click...)

- Corrected some menu items which show the wrong colour when selected...

- Reworked the code for AutoConvert-ID ->  AC ID-LZX  and  AC ID-LHA  .
  Now it also working with the Source/Destination...
  You must select the Source and the Destination!
  Now you also can select a device for DMS...  

- Corrected key input for the "path"
  Now you also can type into the path and it will read the directory correctly...

- Added a new button "<->" this will copy the - Source- directory list to the - Destination - window.
  If you want to convert archives to the same directory...

- Deleted the button "FileInfo"...
  You will always get an information, if you click onto the files...

- Corrected UNDO...

- Corrected MCTAR
  Now it will pack the new TAR archive correctly.

- Sill to do: MCZOO (didn`t create directory path to the new archives)

See the History for more or let it be...